Thank you to those who joined our Cohesive Communities (Black and Minorities) event a few weeks back. We have over 50 attendees from all over the UK!
We had some great speakers who kept attendees entertained, so thank you to Henri Baptiste from Pathway Housing solutions in Nottingham.
Bev Brown and Marcia for Legacy CIC in Leeds.
We had a really great Q&A session which could have gone on much longer. It was great to see the amount of passion and support in the (virtual) room. There was also a lot of interest shown from attendees to become members of LCH. If you would like to become a formal member there is a link at the bottom of the newsletter.
Claude our fantastic host has a further event planned for early 2021 (date tbc)
If you were unable to attend the event do not fear there is a link to the video below.